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Thursday, June 22, 2023



It is really my intention to put a fire in your heads upon authoring and writing my books and articles for you to irritate and can be challenging you in analyzing what will be the real right and wrong mind thinking, mentalities, behaviors, attitudes or else principles and theories.

Whoever having a negative and bad interpretations of my books and articles are whoever do not have acceptance of any corrections upon learning, performing and making or doing some of the wrong mind thinking, mentalities, behaviors, attitudes or else principles and theories.

If we do not want not to bump with the others upon teaching to one another, we must be a psychological clever or else mentalities specialist that shall be studying, learning, performing, practicing and making or doing some of the practical and logical mind thinking, mentalities, behaviors, attitudes or else principles and theories.

Every one of us is already having knowledge that it is not easy if our mind and body are getting weary once we can be having illness or else disease. And that is why, we must be learning, performing and making or doing some of the right mind thinking, mentalities, behaviors, attitudes or else principles and theories that are relating to a process in having good health. Likewise, our body seems like machine that will need proper procedures in maintaining of it for its durability. Otherwise, we must be learning, performing and making or doing some proper procedures in maintaining of our good health through the right mind thinking, mentalities, behaviors, attitudes or else principles and theories that can read at the MENTALITIES SPECIALIST and MIND THINKING SPECIALIST blogspot through the Blogger that are available at any social networks and media which accessible at any search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Delta and more others of it.

01_We shall never mind if we do not like it.

02_We cannot solve crimes by doing another of it.

03_Life is so boring if we cannot handle our mind.

04_It is nothing once we cannot see and observe it.

05_Right words are not enough once we cannot do it.

06_Upon wishing to win more can lead us to lose most.

07_Doubts seems like real once we are entertaining of it.

08_It is better not to speak once we cannot properly do it.

09_We shall not kill others if we want to prolong our life.

10_Blocking my way of thinking can be losing of your mind.

11_It is really hard to learn once we do not want and need it.

12_Whoever having doubts are whoever usually doing of it.

13_It cannot be to respect once they are getting wrong of it.

14_At least we have it even it is not enough, than nothing of it.

15_Sometimes I can tell lies to the others if I am making jokes.

16_It is not breaking of the rules upon creating another rule.

17_It cannot be to twist, once it is in accordance to the truth.

18_Once it is new to us, it is normal that we are ignorance of it.

19_No rules for breaking the rules just to create another rule.

20_Relying on appreciation can be losing of our right passion.

21_If it cannot make us smile, we shall do and find another of it.

22_The more we are having fear the more our life will be in danger.

23_It is not right for us to harvest once we are not the owner of it.

24_We shall be telling whatever the truth instead of denying it.

25_We shall not do because we feel it, but it is because we need it.

26_It is really hard to defend once the nature will challenge us.

27_The more kawat we do, that more karma we can have in the future.

28_It can be easy for us to think if we do not know the process of it.

29_Do not wish and dream if you cannot do the right process for it.

30_We shall not force the others to be with us if they do not want us.

31_Once it is part of our needs we cannot think and tell not to do it.

32_It is useless to have wealth once we are not having good health.

33_It is normal to have doubts once there is no transparency of it.

34_Big dreams can ruin our life if we cannot manage our mind for it. 

35_Everything can be great once we are having a mind setting for it.

36_Whoever having fear of death shall whoever usually prone to it.

37_Disregard once it is doubtful instead of giving benefits of it.

38_Once it is a game it is expecting that it is having game over of it.

39_Every one of us can create a rule even it is breaking another rule.

40_Learning process is depending upon of our right passions for it.

41_Be a wiser man that who will not abuser to the rights of the others.

42_It is not all that we cannot see is nothing, once we can observe it.

43_Let the child or children play after their duties and responsibilities.

44_We shall not put personal interest for us will not go beyond of it.

45_It seems like we are losing our fight if we will die upon doing of it.

46_Upon making jokes can be part of the process to control seriousness.

47_Everything is impossible once we are not having limit and control.

48_Sometimes upon telling of it can really challenge us in doing of it.

49_Even we cannot see it there is something of it, once we can observe it.

50_We are not lazy once we are doing of our duties and responsibilities.

51_It can make us glad but it is not giving sense that we are proud of it.

52_Whoever we do not want to see, is whoever staying around with us.

53_Do what you want that who will not abusing of the rights of the others.

54_It is not part of the violations of the rules upon creating another rule.

55_It is not one but for all, once the Supreme Creator will help the people.

56_The family that prays together in the end they will scatters anywhere.

57_It is better not to make complaints if not having right knowledge of it.

58_We shall let the others show their idiotism for us will not bother of it.

59_It can be better if we will do it first rather than making complaint of it.

60_Everything here in this world is acceptable if we will be accepting of it.

61_We shall not waste the opportunities if we can be having chances for it.

62_We shall be having awareness that sometimes the truth is against of us.

63_I am not thinking that I am genius, for you to be telling that I am dumb.

64_To become a hero is impossible once our enemy is the Supreme Creator.

65_Once it is part of our needs even if we do not like but we must still do it.

66_It is the Supreme Creator is having mercy to those who are having of it.

67_It means that we are not having knowledge once we are having fear of it.

68_To have anger upon having knowledge of the truth is part of our idiotism.

69_It cannot be to think that we are right even we are getting mistakes of it.

70_Sometimes we want to teach the others even if we cannot do it to ourselves.

71_We shall be having awareness that it is our agony is the reality of KARMA.

72_ It cannot be not to spend time and exerts efforts for our needs and wants.

73_It is shameful in our part to have high pride that in reality we are idiots.

74_Upon having knowledge what will be right can be bother us if we cannot do it.

75_Disobedience of our rules can be expecting once we are getting wrong of it.

76_It is not right of wanting to be on top without enough ladders through of it.

77_Our kindness and goodness will be nothing once we are doing something bad.

78_Do not waste it if already satisfy of it, instead of giving it to the others.

79_The best way to face the reality of our life is to accept the real truth of it.

80_My teachings are useless and cannot make me glad, if you cannot learn of it.

81_Never do to the others whatever mistakes we are discovers from one another.

82_Upon fighting for our rights is not giving sense that we are using our pride.

83_It is really useless of learning some right lessons without applying of it.

84_We shall cooperate for us can help the others and not to take advantage of it.

85_It seems like we are stealer once we are not paying of our debts to the others.

86_To accept the facts and the truth can be the best way to face the life reality.

87_Once it is mistake, it will need petition and commentary just to correct it.

88_It is useless of having profession, once we are acting like an idiot person.

89_Our passion can be useless, once we will do something wrong upon using of it.

90_Everything here in this world is not only for our self, but for every one of us.

91_Upon wanting in getting of something, our time and efforts are in need for it.

92_Once it is really right we are not having any right reason for us not to tell it.

93_No right reason for us to quit striving and struggling even we will fail of it.

94_Whoever coward in reality, are whoever aggressive to fight with the others.

95_It is better not to mind it, rather than suffering upon always thinking of it.

96_Business is good only to whoever having enough capital or investment for it.

97_Practical man will not enjoy having sexual intercourse with a virgin woman.

98_Right education to everyone of us can be the process to have peaceful nation. 

99The right things are great but sometimes there will be great that is not right.

100_The more we will be expecting something the more we will be getting of nothing.

101_Upon telling, sharing and teaching whatever right, is the real fight of life.

102_Sometimes the truth is weird once we are not having right understanding of it.

103_To learn just to have right knowledge is the only process to control idiotism.

104_We cannot see lights in our way until we can find our good future to the end of it.

105_Side by side arguments can be the process for us can be having right agreements.

106_It is better not to go home but sending money on time, than going home without it.

107_It is not right in spending more time and efforts for our wants than of our needs.

108_It is really hard to forgive and to forget once we are weak as of using of our pride.

109_It can make us bother once we cannot explain what is really right and wrong of it.

110_Depriving of ourselves to learn whatever right can make us suffering forever.

111_Sometimes we cannot have right knowledge if we do not know how to down our pride.

112_The Supreme Creator will not give us chance once we cannot have it to the others.

113_It is only one concise statement, but it takes a decade upon constructing of it.

114_It is better not to talk than of talking but not having right understanding of it.

115_We shall not think that we are already learning of whatever we will need to learn.

116_Sometimes it is our achievement can give us right passion in doing another of it.

117_Denial of needing sexual intercourse seems like fighting the Supreme Creator.

118_It cannot be to become a leader, if killing of the others is part of our pleasures.

119_It is so stupid and corny upon thinking and telling something regarding of love.

120_Everything in our life can be having changes once we are still having good health.

121_It is better not to give than of expecting thank you and in returns upon doing of it.

122_It is not wrong of hiding something as long it cannot harm to the life of the others.

123_It is hard to manage our income once it is really not enough for our needs and wants.

124_Whatever improvision of the things and situations can be part of the inventions.

125_We shall not expect more, because it can make us depress once we can have less of it.

126_Always bear in mind that whatever wrongdoings there is no positive results of it.

127_We shall not compete with the others, for us will not depress if we are losing of it.

128_It is better that we shall not create some rules of laws which we cannot follow of it.

129_The real truth is what we can see and observe that will not matter of our doubts of it.

130_Whoever grateful liars are whoever shall not believe even if it is right and truth.

131_We are not human if we do not know how to cry, but it shall be having right reason of it.

132_It is not right to have our needs and wants upon stealing something from the others.

133_To exercise our freedom, living alone and not to get marry can be the process for it.

134_We shall not blame the others of our own mistakes, especially the Supreme CREATOR.

135_Sometimes being defensive is normal, especially if we are getting mistakes of it.

136_Abolition of punishments is the process to have protection for the entire nation.

137_If we want wealth, we shall invest money for business aside of our time and efforts.

138_Right education plus police visibility are part of the process to prevent crimes. 

139_It is really against the rules of laws once the lawmakers are getting mistakes of it.

140_Neglecting common and simple problems can be reason of having complications of it.

141_It is better not to do, than of doing that it is always beginning without ending of it.

142_The wrong reasons and explanation are not acceptable, but it will be considerable.

143_We shall not make the pride as the reason that the easy things will become difficult.

144_We shall not use our power, authority and position to abuse the rights of the others.

145_Once it is part of our needs even climbing of the ravine shall be doing just to have it.

146_We cannot find and learn what is really right if we put our sight only in our backyard.

147_It can make us powerful once we are really having kindness or goodness to the others.

148_Falling tears in whatever situations are normal, once our weakness will remind us.

149_Sometimes it is really nice to pick flower that is already taking care by the others.

150_Whoever doing crimes are always losers in times of judgment by the Supreme Creator.

151_To regulate the heat of our body, the proper inhale and exhale can be the process of it.

152_Upon learning what is right is not easy if no one can be telling and teaching of it to us.

153_Once we are having right mind thinking or mentalities everyone is part of our family.

154_It can be part of our duties and responsibilities once we are having commitment of it.

155_Whoever always following even if it is wrong, are whoever not having knowledge of it.

156_Whoever can be living alone until forever, are whoever survivors in life realities.

157_To make it usual and habit are part of the process for us will not become ignorant of it.

158_Business is really difficult once we do not have enough capital or investment for it.

159_It cannot be to accuse the others of the crimes that only our self is responsible of it.

160_Upon keeping of bearing children amid of the poverty situation is a sign of idiotism.

161_Sometimes dreams can really inspire us if there is possibility to turn into reality. 

162_Nothing wrong of exposing ourselves to hot even if we are from cold, than of hot to cold.

163_However great we are, we cannot be successful once we are against the Supreme Creator.

164_It is not right of sacrificing ourselves that only others can be having benefits of it.

165_Once we are professionals everything must be proper since it is really the right of it.

166_We shall be having knowledge of the right and wrong for us can be having awareness of it.

167_We shall not let our life evolve in one thing for us not to suffer once we are losing of it.

168_Businessmen will not believe prophets it is because in their minds they want profits.

169_We shall not make the money as part of the reason for us to abuse the rights of the others.

170_Keep calm while driving especially if the destination is not yet set to the right of it.

171_Usually of whoever having a pretty face, are whoever not having sense of cleanliness.

172_We are no longer child or kid for us to think and tell that we cannot control of our anger.

173_Whoever having anger to those who are getting wrong are whoever usually getting of it.

174_It cannot be to think reason of respecting others even they are getting mistakes of it.

175_Frankly conversation can really insult others, especially if they are hitting by it. 

176_Upon believing of whatever right is not worth and enough once we are not following of it.

177_We shall not force ourselves to be on top if we cannot find enough and right ladder for it.

178_Getting of marry can really prevent and control once we are thinking of our good future.

179_What is comfortable life but we are abusing of the rights of the others upon having of it.

180_It can be our comfortable home even it is only a nipa hut once we are really the owner of it.

181_It will not matter even if it is not part of the trends once it is already part of our needs.

182_We shall never do crimes once we are having belief that there is really Supreme Creator.

183_As of thinking our different needs is part of the reason that we can do everything for it.

184_Even if we are not getting rich but we can be rejoicing our life once we are having freedom.

185_Chances for having changes to ourselves are always open once we are really wanting of it.

186_Bullying shall not in need any of our attention since we are not physically hurting of it.

187_It cannot be to prohibit without any practical and logical reason and explanation of it.

188_We can be glad that we are having job and income but not to the point that we will proud of it.

189_Whoever not having belief of God are whoever knowledgeable regarding of the truth of it.

190_We just secure and safety ourselves, that who will not physically hurting of the others.

191_Upon taking whether legal or illegal drugs are not bad unless we are doing something bad.

192_It cannot be to keep our mouth shut once they are still abusing of the rights of the others.

193_It cannot make us successful, once the process is not accordance to the right decisions.

194_It is better not to make any negative comments once we cannot do what is really right of it.

195_Only idiot people can do stealing. So therefore, we are stupid idiot once we are stealer.

196_To test our worth in everything is really great, but it is worst once we cannot balance it.

197_Throwing and neglecting some right teachings are normal reactions of the idiot people.

198_We shall not let anybody in spending time and exerting efforts of cleaning our own wastes.

199_We are not disables once we are capable. Likewise, once we are capable we are not disables.

200_We shall not put our trash anywhere it is because there is proper and specific place for it.

201_Never mind them even they are not real to us, as long they are not pushing our life in danger.

202_It is our negative and bad mind thinking or mentalities can make the others bad in our mind.

203_Once the ladder is extent it is expecting that it will be hard for us to reach on the top of it.

204_It is not part of the right teachings once it is only ourselves can be having benefits of it.

205_Once we cannot make commentaries for ourselves, it can be better not to do it to the others.

206_Learn and follow what I am telling even in whatever situations, and you will not regret it.

207_We cannot have equal justice system once we are still having rules of laws of punishments.

208_Good future is impossible to us once we do not know how to control our feelings or emotions.

209_It is better if we shall be asking than of stealing, but it is best if we shall not do both of it.

210_We shall not expect that the Supreme Creator will be good to us, once we are bad to the others.

211_It is useless of fighting whatever right once we will be killing the others upon doing of it.

212_Once we are really having assets, we shall not let that only one can be having benefits of it.

213_It cannot set us free upon telling the truth once we can be staying behind the bar after of it.

214_Whoever guilty of doing crimes, are whoever having confident of accusing the others of it.

215_We are stealer once we are cheater, because cheating is not having difference of stealing.

216_We have to fight our anger, because it is one of the process for us can be having peace of mind.

217_We cannot defend ourselves to the Supreme Creator once we are really having mistakes of it.

218_Everything here in this world can be dangerous, once we are not having right knowledge of it.

219_Everything must be doing according to the rights of every one of us, since we can be part of it.

220_Everything right and good will follows once we can be having equal and uniform rules of laws.

221_Finding ways to relieve our irritation and anger is a must, for us can be having peace of mind.

222_Our commentary to the others can be bothering us, once we are not fit and suitable of doing it.

223_We shall not allow abortion, but safety growth control or contraceptives are not part of it.

224_We shall avoid hurting of the others, once we are not wanting of the others to be hurting to us.

225_Upon being terror in a wrong time and place can be making of our selves shameful in the future.

226_Whoever cheaters and abusers to the rights of the others are whoever having mental illness.

227_Trusting God can lead us to suffer forever, because he cannot help us for our needs and wants.

228_It cannot be to let ourselves suffer for the others, because they are getting mistakes of it.

229_It cannot be to choose whatever we want that in the end only our selves will be suffering of it.

230_Upon thinking of our own benefit is sometimes can be reason to abuse the rights of the others.

231_Upon putting of ourselves into the ground is right, if the others will not abuse of our rights.

232_We shall be calm but not corny in whatever situations and reasons upon teaching to the others.

233_It is expecting that vices will goes to nothing, and reason that we must be staying-away of it.

234_Smiling will be better than of getting anger upon receiving any corrections from the others.

235_Respecting of the others even they are getting wrong of it can lead them to abuse of our rights.

236_Even they are abusing of our rights, but for them we are still bad upon having complaints of it.

237_Not to abuse the rights of the others is the only process to prevent and to counter scary KARMA.

238_It seems like we are fighting the Supreme Creator once we are abusing the rights of the others.

239_Our age will not matter as of having special relationship if it is just only for playing games.

240_It seems like we do not have belief that there is Supreme Creator, once we do not believe KARMA.

241_We shall not expect that the Supreme Creator be with us, once we are still sinful and criminal.

242_The people will oblige to follow even if without punishment, once we are teaching right of it. 

243_Everything here in this world must need time to spend and efforts to exert upon realizing of it.

244_Even we are getting wrong but still we shall do our best until we can be getting of the right of it.

245_Every problem is supposedly controllable if everyone of us is having knowledge to control it. 

246_Real life must go on if it is right, but we must go off it once it is getting wrong upon facing of it.

247_It is better if we shall be giving it to the others, than of throwing it even if it is still useful.

248_It is our rights in claiming of our rights, as long we are not abusing of the rights of the others.

249_It is better if the others are having respect to us, but still okay even if they are not having it.

250_We must be countering in every mind thinking or mentality we are having as part of analysing it.

251_Nothing to worry of the freedom of expression once it cannot harm to the others upon doing of it.

252_Upon teaching of the right is really hard, because the others will hate us wherefore only of it.

253_We shall not expect that the Supreme Creator will be true to us once we are not true to the others.

254_We are not dumb it only happens that we are not having idea of what they are having in their minds.

255_Sometimes we cannot learn that we are getting mistakes if no one will argue and counter us of it.

256_We cannot recall our experiences as to study for us can learn from it once we are not having of it.

257_It is maybe our experiences are not enough for us to understand the will of the Supreme Creator.

258_There is no opportunity to come with us, once we will not spend time and exerts of efforts for it.

259_How dare and shame to ourselves, because even it is our mistakes but we are still blaming Satan.

260_It can be better to stop it earlier before it will be too late, once we are getting mistakes of it.

261_It is okay even if we are not having enough income, as long as we are not stealing from the others. 

262_Do not teach children and people to fight, instead of staying away and do something right for it.

263_If we want to enjoy our life as to have time for ourselves, not to get marry can be the process of it.

264_However long the road we are passing, but we shall always think that there will be an ending of it.

265_No right reason for us to believe them, once they cannot have the right answers of our questions.

266_It is the Supreme Creator is our enemy once we shall let ourselves ignorance of the truth of life.

267_Not following of the pattern they want us to do is not giving sense that we are getting wrong of it.

268_Focusing on any of the punishments upon getting wrong cannot be the right process to correct it.

269_Sometimes we cannot relate as to feel the problem of the others, because we are also having of it.

270_We shall not think that life is so easy, for us can be having reason to get marry and bear children.

271_It can really bother us, once we do not have right understanding of what we are having in our mind.

272_In whatever situations and reasons, being calm is part of the process that we can make sure of it.

273_Right teaching is the only process to control the minds of the people for them will not do crimes.

274_Plenty of the times that I am passing this way for you to think and tell that I am getting lost of it.

275_Commentary can be strengthening of our personality, once we are really having acceptance of it.

276_We shall not think that will be in favor to ourselves, once we want right and good to every one of us.

277_The more we shall deprive the others to get what they want, the more they are eager in getting of it.

278_It is not sin once it is part of our rights since it is right. Likewise, it is not sin once it is right.

279_Awareness to abuse the rights of the others can be the best way to establish lifetime friendship.

280_It is better not to rejoice ourselves if it can be the reason of ruining of our life upon doing of it.

281_Avoid riding whatever of our feelings or emotions once we are really thinking of our good future.

282_Joke is normal and sometimes applicable, but doing something bad to the others are not part of it.

283_Praising God is having resemblance of praising of our shadow that no good will be happening of it.

284_Sometimes as of losing our ways, can be the process for us to be having knowledge of the right of it.

285_KARMA is not psychological matter, because it is part of the punishments by the SUPREME CREATOR.

286_We shall be using our past together with the present, for us can be having knowledge for the future.

287_It cannot be to always believe and follow, even if not having knowledge of the right and wrong of it.

288_It cannot bother us even if they do not like and want us it is because only them can be suffering of it.

289_Let the others in having experience the wonder of life for them can tell and share it to one another.

290_It is our power of having feelings or emotions, once we can be handling and managing as to control it.

291_Though shall never learn to dreams, instead of learning the right process for our needs and wants.

292_We shall always make decisions that cannot make us bother for us to have peace of mind in the future.

293_Once we are really professional, we shall be acting like a professional and not to be like an idiot.

294_Even this stuff is usual to us, but it is not giving sense that the creator of it is getting right of it.

295_Whoever having support of the brutal killings of the criminals, are whoever coward in a real fight.

296_Nothing as wonderful if we shall be with somebody else upon living and surviving here in this world.

297_We shall never do any of crimes once we want to live and survive here in this world with a peace of mind.

298_It can be worsening of our day once we cannot control of our feelings or emotions, especially anger.

299_It seems like we are thinking that the life is so easy once we are establishing a factory of children.

300_It cannot be to be good in asking help from the others, but staying away whenever they will need of it.

301_We shall let them steal sometimes for them can learn and relate that they are getting mistakes of it.

302_Keeping secret of saving money is really great, but it is worst of keeping secret upon having debts.

303_It is not real upon having doubts, because the reality of it will surprise us without any doubt of it.

304_However we are praying, we cannot have our needs and wants, if we will not do some right process of it.

305_Please avoid initiating and creating crimes as to have reason to make it as part of the rules of laws.

306_Everything here in this world can be ruining of our life, once we are not having right knowledge of it.

307_Every one of us is having rights, but it cannot be to use our rights as to abuse the rights of the others.

308_Every time there is rain, is also the time that we can sense and observe that there is Supreme Creator. 

309_As of believing and following something, we must be analysing if they are really getting right of it.

310_Shall not mind even they do not need us, as long we are really need them and there is nothing wrong of it.

311_None of us is born to be abuse by the others. Likewise, they are not born for us to abuse of their rights.

312_Righteousness person will rise once the people are still erroneous, wrongdoers as well criminals.

313_I am not doing something for you to like it, because sometimes the right things will hit our forehead.

314_I am teaching it is because I am having concern that is why it is your problem if you cannot follow of it.

315_It cannot be to think and tell that we are great if we cannot learn and do everything here in this world.

316_Do not neglect to value even it is worthless especially if the others are seriously giving of it to us.

317_Shall not think that winning of the fight is winning of the game it is because fight is part of the game.

318_It seems like we are stealing something from the Supreme Creator once we are doing of it to the others.

319_It is really useless to learn things or knowledge that will not applicable to the reality of our life.

320_To commit with someone or somebody else cannot be part of the right process to have lifetime freedom.

321_It is negligence of the leaders and parents, once the people and children are ignorance of the truth.

322_Shall not follow only one pattern in life for us will not lost our way once there is complication of it.

323_Our mind is part of our great enemy, once we are not having right understanding of the evolutions of it.

324_We shall be having stand not because we believe of it, but because it is right and good to every one of us.

325_We are having works or job for us can be living and surviving here in this world, and not to be proud of it.

326_No question if we are not treasuring friendship, as long we are not abusing of the rights of the others.

327_Once there is something bothering in our mind we shall be writing of it but not corny upon telling of it.

328_It is not right of solving our problems which can be causing to the others in suffering wherefore of it.

329_It is shameful in our part to raise concern to the public that only our self can be having benefits of it.

330_It is cold compression once our body is too much hot and hot compression upon having too much cold of it.

331_Once we are having a word of honor, we must still doing of our promise even we cannot have benefits of it.

332_Creating some rules of laws is really okay if it is right but it cannot be once we are getting wrong of it.

333_Do not tell me that you are right, because here in this world I do not see even only one righteous person.

334_It is really painful if our special someone is playing games with the other once we do not have another.

335_It cannot be to teach the others once we are not having enough knowledge in everything regarding of it.

336_Business is also part of gambling, because sometimes we have to gamble upon engaging of our business.

337_It is not all the times and situations that we are getting right for us to be having strict personality.

338_Whoever having plenty of mistakes are whoever having strict personality, which so stupid bullshit.

339_Doing of our tasks even without supervision is part of the basis that we are responsible of our duties.

340_It is better not to tell something once we cannot show and present some facts or basis to the truth of it.

341_Do not be a fool to wish to become a hero that who shall be killing someone or somebody just to achieve it.

342_Every dream and everything that we think that it is right are not useful and helpful once we cannot do it. 

343_We shall be having contentment in our life, especially if we are already having of our different needs.

344_Obviously the Supreme Creator will not need our right words, instead of the performance in doing of it.

345_The truth seems like sunlight that even however small the hole is, but still penetrating through of it.

346_It is shameful in our part once we are taking foods and drinks through the time and efforts of the others.

347_We must think and do for our needs instead of entertaining stupid feelings such as love and more others.

348_It must be practice to learn and do what is really right for us to have peace of mind as to have good health.

349_As of learning to stand of our own time and efforts shall be the process to learn in helping of the others.

350_It is better not to have ambition, if the process will abuse the rights of the others upon reaching of it.

351_Abolition of punishments can be the process to safety the innocent children and people from judgment.

352_It is better not to wish for our comfort zone if the process of it can drag down the others into the ground.

353_However it is wrong, once it is develop in our mind but still we will think that we are getting right of it. 

354_Everything can be controllable, once every one of us can learn not to ride of their irritation and anger.

355_Our hard work is nothing comparing with the others, and that is why we shall stop making complaints of it.

356_It is better to be poor that who is having peace of mind and good health, than to be rich but not having of it.

357_However pretty the persons, it is discouraging once they are having bad breath and under-arms bad odor.

358_We are really bad for the others, once they cannot use our time and efforts as of having own benefits of it.

359_Once it is wrong it is really wrong, which it is not in need of our respect in believing and following of it.

360_We shall not believe, once it is not having facts or basis to the truth that we cannot see and observe of it.

361_Just try to be hunger sometimes as to be having knowledge and right understanding of the life realities.

362_It is really hard to smile, once we are having problem that is why we cannot blame the others not to have it.

363_It is our knowledge and experiences can tell whoever we are in the future and not the time and faith to God.

364_Once the others are not having trust to us even only a small amount of money, how much more the bigger of it?

365_Getting of marry will not perceive in our mind, once we can stand alone in our own until the end of our life.

366_Sometimes KARMA will surprisingly striking us which we cannot able manage ourselves to defend from it.

367_We shall never forget and neglect that upon reaching whatever we want the people around us are part of it.

368_Upon doing some signs of faith cannot be part of the process to convince the Supreme Creator to be with us.

369_Over flowing toxic oxygen, that supposedly for farting can be causing of a soar throat, colds and cough.

370_It is not right to always ask forgiveness, instead of learning and practicing what is really right of it.

371_Sexual intercourse aggressiveness can be the process to have knowledge that we are having good health.

372_None of us is dumb, it only happens that we are not having right answer because we are not having idea of it.

373_We must fight for whatever right, because the wrongdoings can affect all of us.

374_Even however we are having comfortable life, but it is still nothing without proper sexual intercourse.

375_We shall not wish, dream and plan, once we are not having right knowledge of the process in achieving of it.

376_It is better to make somebody cry upon telling the truth, than of making them smile upon telling some lies.

377_Once we are having faith and belief even it is wrong, it can make us turn as of believing and following of it.

378_It is expecting that it will be backing to us in the future whatever wrong and bad we are doing to the others.

379_However it is painful and hurting us, it is not arrogance once it is having facts or basis to the truth of it.

380_Once we can do something to protect of our life, it cannot be to let the others of easily taking of it from us.

381_Things are getting worst upon following the principles of the religions and other faith organizations.

382_However we initiate just to have strength, but still it can be weakening us once we are getting wrong of it.

383_Having special relationship without commitment is the only process for us will not suffer in the future.

384_We shall not let ourselves riding of the drama in our mind, because only our selves will be suffering of it.

385_Life reality is really painful, once we are not having enough knowledge and right preparation to face it.

386_Teaching what is really right to the students for them to learn is a must instead of giving failing grades. 

387_Even we are rejoicing of ourselves upon doing of it but it is not giving sense that we are getting right of it.

388_It is better not to make negative comments, if we are not having knowledge what will be right and wrong of it.

389_Doubt is normal to every one of us, if we are not doing something wrong and negative as of entertaining of it.

390_Predicting of the mind thinking of the others is really hard, because they will deny once we can guess of it.

391_Crime is usually part of the reactions of the mind thinking or mentalities of the ignorant or idiot people.

392_Whoever think bad to the others without any right reason and explanation, are whoever bad in life reality.

393_Upon having empty mind is part of the reason in having errors, mistakes or else wrongdoings as well crimes.

394_Love is only part of marketing strategies which they are promoting of it even we cannot have benefits of it.

395_It is verb once there is present, past and future tense of it. Likewise, it is not all verbs are action words.

396_It cannot be to think only for our needs that will not considering of the life of the others upon having of it.

397_Upon having excitement of the events and occasions, even it is not reasonable but it can cost us more for it.

398_As of having pretty face or good looking person cannot be part of the trends upon facing of the life reality.

399_It is our knowledge can motivate ourselves as to have right passion in doing something for our good future.

400_Our time and efforts must fit to the situations so that it will not useless upon spending and exerting of it.

401_We will give if we can have, but it cannot be to let ourselves suffer because they are getting mistakes of it.

402_We cannot think and tell that the persons are really good once they are stealing something from the others.

403_If we cannot accept the truth of right teachings, it can be better not to make negative commentaries for it.

404_Once the people are asking questions, it means that further explanation and elaboration are in need of it.

405_Sometimes confusion of whatever right can be reason of getting wrong, since we are having hesitation of it.

406_However right the people are, but still nothing good can be happening once we are having wrong rules of laws.

407_It is jealous once we are getting anger to the others, even if they are not doing something wrong and bad to us.

408_It is really useless as of having happiness that can be part of the reason of sadness upon entertaining of it.

409_We shall promulgate rules of laws that in whatever situations of complications the people cannot blame it.

410_The more we are making petitions, the more they will become strong once we are getting wrong upon doing of it.

411_We shall never mind of whatever we are having in our mind, once we cannot have facts or basis to the truth of it.

412_As of having benefits of our lies and trick are not part of our gots, since it is abuse the rights of the others.

413_It is not right to rejoice ourselves in spending money which we are not exerting any efforts upon earning it.

414_Love is only expression of the weak people especially to those who are not having right understanding of it.

415_To have own practical and logical knowledge can be part of the process to never have jealous with the others.

416_Sometimes it is our hardship and difficulties will challenge us to go with the right directions of our life.

417_Opportunity for the life reality will comes to those who are sacrificing of controlling of their feelings.

418_Open minded people wants to have freedom forever, that is why getting of marry is not part of their priority.

419_Living in the world of cheating and stealing is expecting that there will be scary KARMA for it in the future.

420_Everything is a stage of debate as part of the arguments until we can be having facts or basis to the truth of it.

421_It is better if we will not make some negative comments, especially if we are not having right knowledge of it.

422_We shall be spending time and exerting efforts in everything, for us can be having proper arrangements of it.

423_However plenty of the roads we are passing by as part of our journey in life but it shall be one upon ending of it.

424_Nothing wrong of striving for our own selves as long we are not relying and abusing of the rights of the others.

425_We shall not make explanation of the things that we are not having any clarification of the conclusions of it.

426_However right the people are, but still nothing good will be happening once we are having wrong rules of laws.

427_Whoever shall be pretty are not trustworthy. Likewise, usually of those who are not pretty are trustworthy.

428_We shall take our duties and responsibilities seriously with a joke for us not to feel boring upon doing of it.

429_It is not right and good to have anger to whoever getting mistakes, because every one of us can be getting of it.

430_Our feelings or emotions are depends upon our mind thinking or mentalities and not through of our heart beat.

431_Whoever less in their minds, are whoever usually using of the word "dumb" upon making comments to the others.

432_So plenty in our mind that we can hardly understand that is why we must be having analysis for us can explore it.

433_Once we do not want to suffer, we must learn not to stick one as of engaging special relationship to the others.

434_It cannot be to rejoice ourselves upon having of our different needs and wants through the life of the others.

435_It is better nothing, than to have everything in our life but stealing and abusing of the rights of the others.

436_Whoever real criminals are whoever usually proud of their selves upon running after to the other criminals.

437_Sometimes there are some of us even bad in reality but doing good just to pretend as to earn some points from it.

438_We shall be having awareness that taking the life of the criminals cannot be right process to stop the crimes.

439_There is no right reason for us not to tell and share to the others if it is applicable to the reality of our life.

440_Every one of us is sinful, so therefore none of us is having rights and authority to make judgment to the others.

441_It is part of the characteristic of the snake in looking or finding some hole as to be getting in and out of it. :-D

442_Sometimes upon telling something wrong and bad can be part of the jokes, but doing of it is part of our idiotism.

443_Optimism can bring us in getting right and wrong depending of our knowledge in handling or else managing of it.

444_However we are wanting someone or somebody to be part of our life, once they do not like us we can do nothing of it.

445_No right reason for us to tell and say any bad or disgusting words to the others once they are not doing of it to us.

446_We shall give importance to our own freedom, because it is part of the process for us can be having peace of mind.

447_It is really unusual to us once we cannot relate because it is obviously we are not having right knowledge of it.

448_Whoever usually using of the word love as part of feelings or emotions, are whoever deny of being hot and horny.

449_Reality is the truth that is why the right and proper masturbation or sexual intercourse is already part of it.

450_It cannot make us proud upon having something once we are really spending time and exerting more efforts of it.

451_It cannot be to appreciate the children and people upon getting mistakes of it, because they will do more of it.

452_Once we can be learning what is really right, our principles are different that will conflict with the others.

453_Be one of those who do not like to take foods and drinks that process through abusing of the rights of the others.

454_Sometimes thinking more can make us stress and can really bother us especially if we are having mistakes of it.

455_We shall be responsible in whatever reasons and situations even if the others are not seeing and observing us.

456_Whoever idiots and ignorant, are whoever usually thinking higher of their selves comparing with the others.

457_It cannot be to critics and judge what is wrong, but do not have knowledge how to teach what is really right of it.

458_Depriving of ourselves to voice out of some of our concerns can be barriers in reaching of our dreams and wants.

459_Whoever cannot control their feelings or emotions are whoever prone of patol, paralysis and cardiac arrest.

460_What is wealth if we are not having good health? Likewise, wealth is useless once we are not having good health.

461_However they are motivating us, but still we cannot do once we do not have knowledge of the right process for it.

462_Even if we are not getting rich but we can be rejoicing our life once we are having freedom as to have peace of mind.

463_We shall never mind back biting it is because they cannot have benefits and nothing lost from us wherefore of it.

464_It is not having any right reason for us to extend our help to the others once in ourselves we are also in need of it.

465_Our knowledge can be measures through teaching of the others upon they can be having right understanding of it.

466_We cannot blame that the Supreme Creator will be playing of our life once we are playing of the life of the others.

467_Our stomach is painless if they do not want us, as long they do not physically hurting us there is no problem of it.

468_Supposedly none of us is suffering pains as of facing poverty situations, if we are really having a helping God.

469_It is our instinct in following the right rules of laws, but countering of it once there is something wrong of it.

470_Sometimes experiencing difficulties are part of the process to make us great in facing the reality of our life.

471_There is no mercy to those who are abusers to the rights of the others in times of judgment by the Supreme Creator.

472_Instead of creating negative commentaries to the others, it must do to ourselves first for us can learn from it.

473_It is expecting that it is heavy and hard in our mind, once we are doing that is abusing to the rights of the others.

474_Do not use right and left in staying away in whatever complications of the situations instead to the middle of it.

475_It is only a jealous once we are getting anger to the others even if they are not doing something wrong and bad to us.

476_Once we are hoping it is really expecting that we shall be suffering especially if we can be getting nothing of it.

477_It is better to let the others in seeing and observing our real personality than to let them in having doubts of it.

478_Once it is really happen and exist, we shall anticipate and face it for us can be having right understanding of it.

479_Passing the long and narrow roads are more possible once we are not having knowledge the short and straight of it.

480_It is our idiotism and ignorance of the right and wrong are the reasons that we can be a victim of lies by the others.

481_Until we are having chain of debts, we cannot expect to have light in our mind as to find solution to stay away of it.

482_It will need more studies and experiences once we cannot have right understanding as to relate the life reality.

483_Life is really hard once we are dreamers. Likewise, expect difficulties in doing the process to achieve dreams.

484_Getting of marry cannot be the right pattern once we can be having right understanding of the reality of our life.

485_It can be better to be stress of thinking something, rather than to have illness because do not want to think of it.

486_Let the others discriminate us upon thinking higher comparing with us, as long we are not doing it to one another.

487_Our naturality is really natural, that is why we must find it to ourselves, so that we can present it to the others.

488_Only two words can describe the religious leaders and other faith workers, they are liars if they are not idiots.

489_Once we can be having knowledge of the real logic of life, we can laugh ourselves upon believing that there is God.

490_Asking offers from the people is a sign of laziness, so therefore your God is lazy, because he is asking it from us.

491_Ang tawong kugihan bisan unsaon sa pagsaway ug pagdaut sa gihapon magpabiling buotan ngadto sa mga mata sa uban.

492_Everything that will be abusing of the rights of the others is obviously against the rules of the Supreme Creator.

493_Every one of us including several living creatures must be taking care once we want to be with the Supreme Creator.

494_Whoever belong to the religions and other faith organizations are whoever idiot and ignorance of the truth of it.

495_Our saliva will really fall once we are seeing and observing someone or somebody that we can make them wet by it. :-D

496_It is not right to fight the others even they are abusing of our rights once we are not having enough strength for it.

497_It is better to abolish the punishments than implementing of it but only innocent people shall be suffering of it.

498_Pretending and assuming ourselves of being good can be leading us to become bad once the others are calling us bad.

499_We cannot have knowledge in budgeting of our money if we will not count as to put value in every single centavo of it.

500_It is easy to create even plenty of teaching principles, but it is hard to find some facts or basis to the truth of it.

501_It seems like we are depriving to rejoice ourselves once we are always sacrificing for the benefits of the others.

502_It cannot be to entertain of what we are having in our minds once we cannot find some facts or basis to the truth of it.

503_Upon twisting of our mind in every situation can be part of the process to measure of our knowledge regarding of it.

504_Sometimes trending issues can mislead the people, because it can be a demand even they are getting mistakes of it.

505_We are working for our needs and wants, but if we are having extra of it is the time that we shall give it to the others.

506_If we cannot convince the others to be one of our friends, so therefore they are thinking that we are their enemies.

507_Whoever spending time to think and analyze, shall whoever having opportunity to learn as to have knowledge of it.

508_It is lack of right education is sometimes reason that the others are arguing even they are getting mistakes of it.

509_Sometimes negative commentaries can be the process for them to realize quickly that they are getting wrong of it.

510_We must learn to be strong if we are really doing right, for us not to suffer wherefore of the mistakes by the others.

511_Stop looking and doing things that can inspire us but can make us depress in the end wherefore of the expenses of it. 

512_Upon choosing difficult ways of living is not having any right reasons if the easiest ways can be applicable for it.

513_In whatever situations, reasons and explanations everything can be okay once we shall be thinking that it is okay.

514_It is useless of having right knowledge without teaching and sharing it to the others for them can be learning of it.

515_Upon making of the people to against us can be part of the facts or basis that we are telling and teaching of the truth.

516_It is really hard to learn once the circulation of our blood will drop, because our system will down wherefore of it.

517_It can make ourselves pitiful once we are not having right understanding of the principles by the Supreme Creator.

518_Whoever is having empty mind, is whoever usually riding and following even of the wrong mentalities by the others.

519_We shall not practice appreciating of ourselves, because the others may be thinking and commenting reverse of it.

520_We shall let the others experience of our real goodness or kindness for them can learn and teach to one another of it.

521_Perhaps it is our curiosity is sometimes can lead us in getting mistakes even we are already having knowledge of it.

522_Upon talking to the others is sometimes can be the process to relieve stress especially if it is not yet time to rest.

523_It can be better not to have own family rather than leaving them just to find enough income for their needs and wants.

524_Too much stress and discomfort are sometimes reasons that there are some of us are acting like mentally ill person. 

525_The real truth cannot easily convince us once we are not experiencing of it as to be having right understanding of it.

526_We cannot be having right ways or solutions of every problem once we shall be hiding the real reasons and causes of it.

527_Fighting for our freedom is not giving sense that we are arrogant since every one of us is always having rights for it.

528_It seems like we are walking without any directions once we are not having analysis upon making any of our decisions.

529_Single is a sign of being independent and responsible persons but not all singles are independent and responsible.

530_It is really hurt once we cannot accept of it. Likewise, we shall accept whatever of it for us not in getting hurt of it.

531_NO question that there is Supreme Creator it is because only the right and wrong is having a big question if what is it.

532_However they are getting wrong but still they cannot feel shame because there are others who are appreciating of it.

533_It cannot make us comfortable of earning income as to take food and drinks through the time and efforts of the others.

534_We cannot be a right, good and responsible teachers, mentors or else educators once we are having fear to the others.

535_The way they are making comments to the others is the way they are making comments to us once they are not in front of us.

536_Sometimes experiencing difficulties is part of the process for us to become great in facing the reality of our life.

537_Ridiculous commentaries by the others to us can never be mind once we are really right, good and responsible person.

538_We cannot expect not to have pimples once we are always lack of rest and pressure of our duties and responsibilities.

539_Stealing is part of idiotism, and that is why even we are having degree, but still we are idiots once we are doing of it.

540_Inventing fake miracle is fact and basis to the truth that we do not have belief that there is really Supreme Creator.

541_Idiot people will listens those who are usually telling lies, rather than those who are really telling of the truth.

542_It can really hurt, once our rights will abuse by the others that is why we shall stop abusing the rights of the others.

543_Upon getting irritation and having anger to the others wherefore of jealous, is part of our stupidity and idiotism.

544_Once we can be one of the victims of a crimes, it is our forgiveness can be the best and better ways to ask justice for it.

545_Everything is really predictable in having complications once we cannot handle or manage our feelings or emotions.

546_Everything in our mind as of thinking others is usually in favor to ourselves but it can reverse for us to learn from it.

547_Crimes such as taking of the life of the others will not happen if not having anger, except if they are train of doing it.

548_It can really bothering us upon thinking of our tasks or else duties and responsibilities once we are not doing of it.

549_We shall be spending time and exerting efforts in everything for us can be having right and proper arrangements of it.

550_However hard workers we are but still nothing good will be happening to us once we are always riding of our weaknesses.

551_It is better if we are having willingness to give way than of blocking the driveway even if they are getting right of it.

552_We shall be using of our right analysis in whatever situations and reasons for us not to become ignorant or idiot of it.

553_It is useless for us of having passion to learn some of the knowledge, but we are getting and following some wrong of it.

554_Military mentality, whatever pssssss or other noise that surrounds must be observe as to conclude what is really it.

555_Right teachings without any of the punishments upon getting wrong can be the process of serving the Supreme Creator.

556_If everything is game for us, so therefore we are not having any right reasons to deprive of the others in playing of it.

557_Do not ask any consideration of your errors, mistakes or else wrongdoings if you cannot give and have it to the others.

558_We shall be having awareness of our mistakes, because the others might turn on their trigger once they cannot take it.

559_Good future is not mean to become rich, but it is a stability of income for the different needs and to have peace of mind.

560_The Supreme Creator is obviously bad to those who are bad, that is why we shall stop abusing of the rights of the others.

561_It is so arrogant in our part of commenting of their mistakes, even in ourselves we knows that we are also getting of it.

562_Excitement is not having any right reasons and explanations in whatever kinds of the occasions or else celebrations.

563_Upon getting of marry is not a process in acquiring peace of mind except if we are not having something right in our mind.

564_Giving freedom for our rights is really right but freedom for a wrong is part of the basis that we are getting wrong of it.

565_We shall not force ourselves in getting along with the others once we can notice that they do not really want and like us.

566_It will not matter however big or small the hole is as long we are rejoicing of ourselves as of getting in and out of it. :-D

567_We must be handling or else managing of ourselves not to get the things that are not ours upon seeing and observing of it.

568_It seems like we are living together with them once we can hardly delete them in our mind which nothing to worry about it.

569_Upon doing whatever our best is not giving sense that we are arrogant it is because every one of us is having rights of it.

570_It can be better for us to face what is the reality of life, than of twisting of our mind for us to stay-away as to escape it.

571_It must be ourselves to have right understanding and consideration to the others instead of they are having of it to us.

572_We shall not think that our feeling or emotion is all about love for us to tell that we cannot live and survive without it.

573_Having experience of the feeling love is the time that we can have knowledge that it is so corny upon entertaining of it.

574_There is no success for the abusers to the rights of the others, because the Supreme Creator will judge us in the future.

575_Letting the mentalities of the child dominates our mind and personality can really drag our life down into the ground.

576_However great the knowledge share by the others to us, but still it is nothing and worth to us once we are ignorance of it.

577_Every one of us is having rights to do and to have whatever we want, as long as we are not abusing of the rights of the others.

578_It is not right and good in engaging special relationship with a lazy person that is why we must be having awareness of it.

579_It is unforgettable once it is painful but there are situations that we do not want to have pains for us to remember of it.

580_It is part of our assets once there will be somebody who are having trust with us and that is why we must be taking care of it.

581_It seems like we are dreaming once we are praying since it is not the process in getting or acquiring our different needs.

582_It is better to split the relationship than of pursuing it and still staying together even if it is having conflict of it.

583_None of us do not want to have own valuable things and properties but it must be fair and right upon doing the process of it.

584_Once we are doing right there is no right reason for us to back-off even whatever they are thinking and telling toward us.

585_Staying where we are can be better, than to proceed to the next line but there are some of us are suffering wherefore of it.

586_It is better not to make decision in whatever situations once we are not having knowledge and right understanding of it.

587_It seems like we are not thinking of our good future once we are doing something that will against to the Supreme Creator.

588_Upon facing of the life realities, the right knowledge must be pass to the others for them will not become ignorant of it.

589_Whoever having feeling pretty, are whoever usually making negative comments to the profile appearance of the others.

590_Whenever there is gender confusion in mind the man is for the woman and vice versa is the right and standard pattern of it.

591_To speak with a right understanding of what we are telling is really different, rather than we are only memorizing of it.

592_It cannot be not to think and analyze once it is happen and exist for us can be having knowledge of the right and wrong of it.

593_Whoever arrogant and selfish, are whoever usually asking, relying and depending of the time and efforts of the others.

594_Letting child or children scatter anywhere is expecting that they will become erroneous if not criminal in the future.

595_Even we are not doing something bad and wrong to them but still they are doing of it to us, mental illness is the reason of it.

596_Upon depriving of expressing of every opinion can be leading to misinterpretation wherefore of its unusual reactions.

597_We shall never mind backbiters it is because they cannot have benefits of it and nothing lost from us wherefore only of it.

598_The good health is not part of a gift it is because everything here in this world is having process for us can be having of it.

599_The violations must be inviolable but imposing penalties and punishments for the violators are part of the violations.

600_Once the person is not doing something bad against us however we are fighting them but they will still win against with us.

601_Nothing right and good once it is regarding of the faith, different rituals and prayers and other superstitious belief.

602_Upon keeping of helping to the others even if not having any right reasons of it can be triggering in keeping of relying it.

603_Sometimes we must spend times in thinking of our embarrassing moments for us can be learning as of having awareness of it.

604_We shall not obvious and pretending in whatever situations especially if we are really not having right knowledge of it.

605_Upon relying to our partners can be part of the reasons that we will be kneeling to them even they are abusing of our rights.

606_Upon refusing an offer can be triggering us not to sleep well since it can be bothering us until we shall be accepting of it.

607_It is simply we are mentally ill once we are thinking and telling that GLECERIO TANGARO CANDADO is having mental illness.

608_The more we hate others, the more our life will be miserable, because it seems like we are fighting of the Supreme Creator.

609_Living alone with someone or somebody can be better once we are not having sureness upon engaging special relationship.

610_At the place that we believe that no one can see us is the place that there are somebody who will be looking and observing us.

611_We just study and learn everything before thinking and telling as to pretend that we are great comparing with the others.

612_We have to show our teachings before we will do something that will against the knowledge of the MENTALITIES SPECIALIST.

613_It is normal to our sexual organ to find another of it, once we can be having right understanding of the reality of our life.

614_We must extend our knowledge of teachings, not only for ourselves, but also to the others that who are really in need of it.

615_Upon riding of our weaknesses which our feelings or emotions can make us cry even if we are not having any right reason of it.

616_It can be better to shut up if we cannot create some effective teachings rather than implementing any of the punishments.

617_It seems like we are selling of our dignities once we are advertising of our personalities such mostly of the celebrities.

618_Analysis first before making any sarcastic reactions, because it might be slap to our face once we are getting wrong of it.

619_It can be better to bend our knees to the ladies or women that we want to become part of our life than to the so called "God". :-D

620_It is not right upon always relying or else depending to the others since they are spending time and exerting efforts of it.

621_The more we give the more we can be having debt especially if we are not having enough capacity and capability in doing of it.

622_Shall be good and kind to the others even they are bad until we can carry of it to ourselves for them can be learning it from us.

623_We shall be using of our right passions in doing of our duties and responsibilities instead of wrongdoings as well crimes.

624_However we are flying high but stepping back off the ground will be possible once we are abusing of the rights of the others.

625_It is not the foods or drinks we are taking, but it is the toxic oxygen that is inside of our stomach once we are vomiting of it.

626_Once we are getting wrong it is not giving sense that we are having mental illness since it cannot be part of the basis for it.

627_We shall practice ourselves in doing whatever right and avoid of getting wrong once we want to be with the Supreme Creator.

628_Do not challenge the children and people to become rich, because it can be reason for them to abuse the rights of the others.

629_Whoever living comfortable upon having golden spoon, are whoever less in their mind regarding of the reality of our life.

630_Upon buying and spending for some of our needs and wants cannot make us in having excitement if we are not using of our pride.

631_Once we are engaging business, we must ensure that we are having products that can satisfy of our customers upon paying it.

632_Upon believing of the Bible and religious leaders is giving sense that we are not believing that there is Supreme Creator.

633_It is shame to our selves upon having nice and expensive stuff, but stealing from the others is the process of acquiring it.

634_Sometimes proper reactions and conversations are having arrogant interpretation by those who are having jealous of it.

635_Perhaps our minds are influence to think that we must love, because we do not have knowledge that it is not part of our needs.

636_Listening of the voice from nowhere can make us losing of our mind, once we are not having enough knowledge of analyzing it.

637_Upon trusting and believing God can be dragging of our life down into the ground, because we can do nothing wherefore of it.

638_Even the sexual intercourse is already part of our needs, but it is not giving sense that we will always think and focus of it.

639_Every story is easy to fabricate, that is why evidence is in need as fact or basis that they are really telling the truth of it. 

640_We will do because it is in need and right not because we are pretending and wanting in having good shot in sight of the others.

641_Repentance is the only way and process to counter conscience as of making ourselves in having peace of mind and good health.

642_Writing something that are nothing is really hard than of those already exists because we can be seeing and observing of it.

643_Once we cannot have right explanation of the situations it is giving sense that we are not having right understanding of it.

644_Whoever making bad comments even if without any facts or basis to the truth of it, are whoever bad comparing with the others.

645_The more we want something, the more it will deprive to us that is why we will do because it is in need and not because we want it.

646_It cannot be to think and tell that it is coming from God even it is our own strategy of cheating upon having own benefits of it.

647_We shall not entertain the mentalities of the idiot monkey, once we do not want to bother ourselves through their idiotism.

648_It will not matter even I am not a man in your dreams, as long I can be a man beside you in your bed while we are sleeping together.

649_We cannot learn what is really right for it once the others are always riding us even we are obviously getting mistakes of it.

650_The reality of the idiot people is that they will believe, ride and follow even if they do not have right understanding of it. 

651_Every error, mistake or else wrongdoing as well crime can be having painful reactions once we are not having awareness of it.

652_Seeing and observing as of making analysis in whatever reasons and situations can be part of the process to sharpen our mind.

653_If we want someone or somebody to be part of our life, we shall do the right process for it that will not abusing of their rights.

654_We cannot expect that our surrounding is always clean, but the important is they are having regular schedule of cleaning it.

655_It is maybe we are too old for every situation we are facing, but too young because we are not having right understanding of it.

656_We shall plan our life according to our capacities, capabilities and knowledge for us not to depress once we cannot reach it.

657_I will really hit those who will be blocking of the driveway especially if they are not having any right reasons upon doing it.

658_It is expecting that we can be losing of our way to the life reality once we are against the right guidelines for reaching of it.

659_It is expecting that our dreams will be falling once we are not having enough knowledge of the right process in reaching of it.

660_Rejection of whatever negative commentaries towards our self if not having truth, for us will not irritate and bother of it.

661_Straight mind thinking or mentalities can be turning into narrow wherefore of faith to God and other superstitious belief.

662_We shall stay calm and relax once our mind is overload and troubles just to prevent crimes wherefore of irritation and anger.

663_It cannot be to wait some graces and gifts of life, if we are not spending of our time and exerting efforts for the process of it.

664_It will not matter that they will be threatening us to take our life, rather than taking of our job, because our job is our life.

665_The right and proper procedures of investigation are very essentials, because it is easy to make accusations to the others.

666_I do not want to pretend that I do not have belief, even I cannot see, but still I can sense that there is really Supreme Creator.

667_Even it is not a matter of money, but still we can expect that there is conflict once it is not having equality upon sharing of it.

668_It is not part of our duties and responsibilities to feed the others if we are not having capacity and capability in doing of it.

669_Historical value cannot be part of the right reason and explanation in bringing issue to the court for any of the punishments.

670_It is better to shut down the company, than of making it grows but not all workers or else employees can be having benefits of it.

671_Getting of marry is optional and not a pattern but for me it seems like we are putting ourselves in jail once we are getting of it.

672_However we are wanting someone or somebody to be part of our life but still we can do nothing of it once they do not really like us.

673_It cannot be to take all duties and responsibilities but instead of sharing it equally to the others for them not to abuse of it.

674_It is better if the people are having knowledge of whoever they are than of having doubts regarding their real personalities.

675_Sometimes we are getting hurt and suffering psychological pains wherefore we are not having acceptance of the reality of it.

676_Upon handling or managing of our doubts as of countering it can be the process for us in acquiring peace of mind and good health.

677_It is maybe as of now we can think and tell that we are faithful to our special someone, because we do not have another in our life.

678_Do not practice asking of the time and efforts of the others without giving any compensation upon spending and exerting of it.

679_Judgment of time is really hard to face, especially if in ourselves we are having knowledge that we are getting mistakes of it.

680_It must be having real kindness and righteousness with the others as much as we can, because together with them is not forever.

681_We shall practice ourselves to be alone usually for us will not suffer, once our partner and companion will be leaving with us.

682_It cannot be to blame others especially Satan, once we push our lives to ruin due to our mistakes because we are ignorance of it.

683_Every one of us must learn the right manners towards with one another but to respect even they are getting wrong is not part of it.

684_Elaboration of whatever right and to have consideration of whatever wrong is the process for the others can really learn of it.

685_Even we are poor, but we need to rejoice ourselves sometimes, because it cannot be to wait to become rich for us to experience it.

686_Every one of us need our job so much, that is why we will do our duties and responsibilities as part of the process in keeping of it. 

687_Our sexual organ is not gold, for us to let the others in spending more time and exerting more efforts as of having money to pay it.

688_However and whatever is it, it is right once it is for equality and uniformity to everyone that none of us is above and below of it.

689_We are not the owner of this planet for us to think that we can be dominating of it even if we are abusing of the rights of the others.

690_We shall be fighting for our rights that will not abusing of the rights of the others since every one of us is having rights for it.

691_Nothing wrong of doing whatever we are wanting even if they will not agree of it as long we are not physically hurting the others.

692_It will not matter even they do not like us since we can be rejoicing of ourselves together with them through of our imagination.

693_It can really bother us upon having knowledge of our duties and responsibilities once we are refusing ourselves in doing of it.

694_Once they will not follow we shall let them experience for them can be learning from it as to be having right understanding of it.

695_We shall be having awareness of the mind thinking or mentalities that can be depressing for us can counter instead of riding it.

696_Our mind is seems like empty bottle once we are entertaining and following any of the religions and other faith organizations.

697_It is our privilege upon having job and income that is why we must be having right understanding to those who are not having of it.

698_We are only driving by our own pride upon drinking much liquor, because in reality of our tastes it is not delicious of taking it.

699_It is better to be farmer or construction worker than of doing robbery and stealing upon earning income for our needs and wants.

700_Whoever doing some of the wrong fabrications just to make the others down, are whoever putting of their selves into the ground.

701_Let us behave and have kindness to whoever we will meet that will not depends upon of their personality and status of their life.

702_To have answers of our questions, the studies, experimentation, observations and right analysis are very essentials for it.

703_Upon getting wrong can be reason that we will suffer in the future, once we will not learn and practice what is really right of it.

704_To control of our feelings or emotions for our wants, is the most vital factor to consider upon facing of the reality of our life.

705_Once we are thinking more regarding of faith to God, everything we are doing will matter to it even we are getting mistakes of it.

706_To down our pride is sometimes can be the process for us to have right knowledge, because mostly of it are coming from the others.

707_We must be having knowledge so that we can have right understanding and consideration once they will be getting mistakes of it.

708_We cannot have right understanding and consideration to the others upon getting mistakes, once we do not have knowledge of it.

709_Every one of us is getting wrong especially if we are not having knowledge of the right of it that is why crime is already part of it.

710_Even they are having bad and negative interpretations, but there is no problem if we are having good intentions upon doing of it.

711_Every one of us is require to measures the deepness of the reality of our life, for us to have knowledge in getting up and down of it.

712_Whoever having expectations to be respect by the others, are whoever not having right manners in reality of their personality.

713_Upon facing predicament can teach us something right and wrong but it is not part of the requirements for us can be learning of it.

714_Whoever shall not have knowledge in handling or else managing of their goodness shall whoever usually the victims of the abuse.

715_It is better bad, negative and disgusting comments than of any of the punishments, but it is best if we shall not do whatever of it.

716_Our kindness or goodness to the others can be process for us to be having peace of mind once we can balance and having control of it.

717_Whatever complexion of our skin, we shall not do something as to change it instead of taking care of it since it is the origin of it.

718_We must observe our feelings or emotions as to study of it for us can be having knowledge that we are getting wrong wherefore of it.

719_It seems like we are not having right understanding of the life realities once we cannot creates some questions regarding of it.

720_In what process that the God can take away our sins that even him-self and his shadow is not having appearance in our surrounding.

721_It is not wrong to listen advise, but ensuring that it is not for personal interest that only adviser can be having benefits of it.

722_We just think that scary KARMA is sometimes happening to us once,  but it can be ruining our whole life if we cannot recover from it.

723_Our body seems like dress or clothes that once it is dirty we are not comfortable of it, especially if we are in front of the others.

724_Sometimes it is the fruit of our efforts can challenge our-selves as to have right passion to do something just to have more of it.

725_Sometimes we cannot distinguish that we are getting mistakes, once we cannot experience that we are suffering wherefore of it.

726_Let us play the game properly that who will not abuse to the rights of the others, especially to the innocent children and people.

727_Only historians can create history, because only their selves knows what story to fabricate to become part of the fake history.

728_It is really hard as of having knowledge of a right and wrong that contradictory to the life reality upon seeing and observing it.

729_It is better not to answer the question once we are not having knowledge of it, rather than getting mistakes upon answering of it.

730_We shall not think that we are right of telling to the others that they are having mental illness, because we are also having of it.

731_I am not one of the criminals, but I am strongly against killing them, because their death cannot be right process to stop crimes.

732_There is no need to tell and teach to the others to have respect to us, because they will speak according of our inner personality.

733_Even however they are making negative commentaries toward us, but still it cannot affect us once they are getting mistakes of it.

734_It will not matter whoever shall be telling, talking, saying and teaching as long they are having facts or basis to the truth of it.

735_We shall be having right analysis of the mind thinking or mentalities we are having for us can be having right understanding of it.

736_No one will be working for our needs and wants once every one of us will become rich it is because richness can be reason of laziness.

737_Right articles are really against us once we are still erroneous, wrongdoers or else criminals it is because we are hitting by it.

738_Once we are still kicking and breathing as of living and surviving here in this world being hot and horny can be part of our reality.

739_Declining of accepting the facts and the truth of life can be causing us in suffering since it can hinder us in having peace of mind.

740_It is normal to the jealous persons in thinking bastos or bastard once it is against of them especially if they cannot relate of it.

741_Some of the authors and writers are teaching us in having respect it is because they can be having benefits once we are having of it.

742_In this world we are living, we are not having any choice is to change ourselves for us will not become enemy of the Supreme Creator.

743_It is shameful in our part in making corrections to the others as of getting mistakes, if in ourselves we are also committing of it.

744_Telling that it can rejoice ourselves upon having children is only part of our alibi, because we cannot able manage to control it.

745_Learning what is right is really hard, that is why punishment is not advisable and applicable once we cannot have knowledge of it.

746_However nice and great our story telling, but still it is useless once the teachings are not applicable to the reality of our life.

747_Remembering some of our mistakes can be the process in blocking ourselves to hate others upon having or committing another of it.

748_Upon having lifetime freedom is one of a process for us can really rejoice ourselves as of living and surviving here in this world.

749_Let them die if they are not having time to change of their selves, rather than blaming of ourselves to be the reason of their death.

750_We shall not believe directly whatever they are telling to us, unless if they will be showing some facts or basis to the truth of it.

751_It is maybe we can let the others inside of our pocket sometimes, but we must be having knowledge that they are knowledgeable of it. 

752_Even if we are not pretty and wealthy but we can live and survive here in this world with a peace of mind once we are having good health.

753_Every one of us is having chance to rejoice ourselves as to exercise of our freedom that will not abusing of the rights of the others.

754_Every one of us is having rights to create some patterns of life, but it cannot be to force the children and people in following of it.

755_We are learning as of having some right knowledge for us can be telling and teaching it to the others without any of the punishments.

756_It is impossible for us to strengthen our community once we are still having unequal and not uniform rules of laws in every country.

757_Once it is part of the process in knowing the truth it will not matter even we are arguing as long we can really discover through of it.

758_It is not KARMA once our life drag down to the ground by the others since it is part of the human errors, mistakes or else wrongdoings.

759_The child or children cannot be reason for us in having barrier as to back out upon needing someone or somebody to be part of our life.

760_Laughing can be part of the psychological process to relieve pains wherefore of the problem but cannot be ways or solutions for it.

761_Nothing wrong of asking favor to the others as long it is not regarding of asking their time and efforts as to have own benefits of it.

762_We must compute how much is our income before spending of it for us to avoid a chain of debts that can be hinder us to have peace of mind.

763_It is not right to have own family but abusing of the rights of the others upon earning an income for their different needs and wants.

764_It cannot be to use the kindness and goodness of the others just for only of a personal interest for us to be having own benefits of it.

765_It will not matter even the others will be telling us that we are arrogant, as long as we are getting right of it we shall be doing of it.

766_We shall be having awareness that the reality is having conflict to the book of history, such as Bible, Qur'an and more others of it.

767_Negligence / disregarding of the right masturbation / sexual intercourse is expecting of causing us in having disease / illness.

768_Upon having right knowledge of the life reality, is the time that we can be having right understanding that there is no helping God.

769_In times of judgment, we cannot reason out to defend ourselves as to counter the Supreme Creator once we are getting mistakes of it.

770_Even poor but can be living longer is better than of getting richer but make the life shorter especially if we are wrongly doing of it.

771_Every one of us is having problem, that supposedly we shall solve it that who will not creates and give another problem to the others.

772_Every one of us can be okay even the others do not have respect to us, once they will not do something that will be abusing of our rights.

773_Even they do not give value of our time and efforts, but still it is our obligation once it is part of our duties and responsibilities.

774_Every one of us is having only one life, and that is why we have to treasure and enjoy it that who will not abuse the rights of the others.

775_It is not right to rejoice ourselves in spending money which we are not spending of our time and exerting any efforts as of earning it.

776_Upon staying where we are can be better than to proceed to the next line but there are some of us can be suffering pains wherefore of it.

777_Who we think we are once we are learning and creating any of the punishments to those who can be getting wrong upon getting anger of it.

778_Being deviant that who is having right reasons and explanation of it is normal to whoever claiming that they are having rights of it.

779_It is not part of immorality once it is right and proper masturbation or else sexual intercourse since every one of us is in need of it.

780_We shall not think that we are higher comparing with one another it is because the others will be dragging our life down to the ground.

781_The attires and uniforms cannot be the basis of criticizing whether if the persons are really having right and good personalities.

782_Upon teaching something for the benefits of our own is wrong it is because not only us who are living and surviving here in this world.

783_It must be having a right pattern of our rules of laws as to have equality of it because mostly of the people are having mental illness.

784_We shall be using our right analysis in whatever situations and reasons for us not to become ignorant or idiot the same of the others.

785_Sometimes we must spend times in thinking of the embarrassing moments in our life for us can be learning as of having awareness of it.

786_Upon having stand of the wrong principles can make us mentally ill, because we cannot have facts or basis to the truth as to defend it.

787_We must be having fear of doing wrong and bad to the others, for us can stay-away from any danger that can hinder to prolong of our life.

788_The moment we are getting hot and horny, is also the moment that we feel something to the others that whom we want to be part of our life.

789_Sometimes it can make us weary as of thinking of the life reality, but we are not having any choice is to move forward for us can face it.

790_Taking risks sometimes can be part of the ways if not having any options, especially in doing something just for our needs and wants.

791_It cannot be to rejoice ourselves even we are already having solution of our problem, because the others can affect for us to have it.

792_Perhaps we can be making more alibis but it cannot be enough strength to fight what is really right once we are getting mistakes of it.

793_Everything in our mind seems like real even it is not that can be giving us right understanding that we shall be having awareness of it.

794_Every one of us deserves to change and learn what is really right, but it is not punishment or death penalty shall be the process for it.

795_The cyber sexual intercourse and masturbation is part of the options to whoever having long distance relationship with the others.

796_As of situations we are facing, we must broad our mind upon engaging special relationship for us will not suffer wherefore only of it.

797_Getting weary even if we are having enough rest and not having work is normal to our body especially if we are not having perspiration.

798_We must be working of whatever we are planning and wanting except if we are paying of the others in performing and making or doing of it.

799_It seems like we are taking suicide once we are getting marry even if we are not having enough knowledge and right preparations for it.

800_It seems like our body is useless once we are blocking our mind in having sexual intercourse even if we are still capable in doing of it.

801_Out of 1,000 people, it is too seldom to have 1 that who is having stand of what is really right, because mostly of us are ignorance of it.

802_The word “need” is enough to tell as of wanting someone or somebody to be part of our life once they are having the same feelings with us.

803_Whoever shall always counts of whatever they are contributing shall whoever having less contributions comparing with the others.

804_We shall not expect that the people will praise us once we are doing some right teachings because it can be hitting of their foreheads.

805_We do not need to turn ourselves into bad person wherefore only of the small matters especially if we are not physically hurting of it.

806_Our mind is really vast until our different senses are still active of absorbing something in our surrounding which the source of it.

807_However plenty of the rules of laws we are creating but still useless and nothing once we are not having equality and uniformity of it.

808_It is better not in having a pretty face that who is knowledgeable and responsible than of pretty but idiot and irresponsible person.

809_Once we cannot create something that will be right, having support of it can be the process for us not to bother as to have peace of mind.

810_Whoever most violators are whoever most obedience of whatever right rules of laws once they can be having right understanding of it.

811_At ease at the place whereby we are standing once we are not having enough knowledge and right preparation to proceed to another of it.

812_Once we are really right, good and responsible persons, we shall never do something that only ourselves can be having benefits of it.

813_Once we are really right, good and responsible person, even we are not rich but still we can rejoice ourselves as to have peace of mind.

814_I will not mind and never get mad to those who are telling that I am ugly, because ever since it is not perceive in my mind that I am pretty.

815_Production of children is not fun because it is part of our duties and responsibilities that we cannot back-off as to stay-away of it.

816_It is normal of the snake to stretch their upon seeing and observing two mountains and cave at the lower part of it once will like it. :-D

817_It is normal to everyone of us to want sexual intercourse to whoever we like to be part of it especially in times that we are in need of it.

818_Once we cannot make own decision of a particular situation, it is giving sense that we are not having enough and right knowledge of it.

819_Do not believe accusation because it must have right and proper investigation for us to have knowledge what is really the truth of it.

820_It is ourselves shall suffer once we are stealing something from the others, because the Supreme Creator will judge us in the future.

821_We shall be having awareness of the toxic oxygen that inside our body can cause our head heavy if we cannot do farthing as to dispose it.

822_Upon reaching for whatever dreams cannot surprise us, once we are really sacrificing as of spending time and exerting efforts of it.

823_Knowledge is too expensive, because they are making the training, practices, seminars or else education as part of their business.

824_We shall never mind idiot people if they do not follow of our right teachings, because in the long run only them will be suffering of it.

825_Once we are really knowledgeable of a particular things and situations, there is no right reason for us to believe and follow others.

826_Every one of us is having rights in telling and teaching of whatever we are thinking that it is right even if they are not following of it.

827_We shall treasure the goodness of the others toward us. Likewise, we must be good to the others especially if they are really good to us.

828_Difficulties can be part of the process to open our mind to the real truth, but it is not require if we are using our right analysis for it.

829_Sometimes our life is boring and reason that we shall find someone or somebody and do something that both of us can really rejoice of it.

830_It can make ourselves shame upon getting anger, once we can be having knowledge of our real mentalities, behaviors or else attitudes.

831_We just keep on teaching until they can be learning from it, than of doing any of the punishments once they can be getting mistakes of it.

832_Sometimes it is our error, mistake or else wrongdoing can give us passion to correct it once we can be having right understanding of it.

833_We must spend time to have analysis in whatever situations we are facing and encounter, for us can be having right understanding of it.

834_It is not real once it is doubt, because the truth shall surprise us that we cannot have sense of it until we can be having knowledge of it.

835_Getting of weary is expecting once our stomach is full and heavy, because it can cause our blood circulation and system dropping down.

836_It is only expression of our feelings or emotions upon doing prayers, but in reality it cannot help us in getting of our needs and wants.

837_It is normal that we cannot have right answer in times of questioning of our knowledge once we are not having right understanding of it.

838_However it is psychologically or mentally painful and hurting us, it is not arrogance once it is having facts or basis to the truth of it.

839_Upon telling and teaching something to the others even if we are not having benefits of it is really great once we are getting right of it.

840_It is not arrogance once we are rejoicing of ourselves upon doing something since it is part of our reactions as of having passion for it.

841_It seems like we are putting ourselves in jail once we are getting marry without having enough knowledge and right preparations for it.

842_It seems like we are abusing of the rights of the others once we are making instructions without any right reasons and explanation of it.

843_We cannot solve the problem of the crimes once we are not having knowledge of the right reasons and explanations of the real causes of it.

844_The more we will hate others the more we can be having mind troubles or mind difficulties that can be hinder us in acquiring peace of mind.

845_We must be right, good and responsible to the others as part of the teaching in order can be learning for them to do the same to one another.

846_Shall find woman for a man and man for a woman can be the standard pattern of wanting and needing someone or somebody to be part of our life.

847_It seems like we are abusing of the rights of the others once we are using the word "God" as of earning income and getting benefits from it.

848_However plenty of the rules of laws we are creating but the problems will not solve once we are still having unequal and not uniform of it.

849_It is obvious that the Supreme Creator can be with us in times of judgment which reason that we can be having bad experiences during of it.

850_It cannot be to think and create any of the punishments to the others since in ourselves we are not doing any corrections as of getting it.

851_Prevention of bearing children but if cannot, we must be taking care of them as to do our duties and responsibilities of being a parents.

852_Big population of the family upon having more children will really burden our dreams to have good future, good health and peace of mind.

853_Our tasks or else duties and responsibilities are already part of the life realities that is why we shall enjoy ourselves in doing of it.

854_Our sexual organ is part of our investment for us can be having peace of mind and good health which reason that we must be taking care of it.

855_Our life will be ruin by the Supreme Creator, once we are still doing even we are already having knowledge that we are getting wrong of it.

856_Life reality is like playing basketball that we will need to pass the ball to the others for them can be having knowledge in playing of it.

857_Following the right process upon living and surviving here in this world is really hard until we are still having unequal rules of laws.

858_It cannot be to depend and rely to the Supreme CREATOR for our needs and wants, because there are so plenty of the people around the world.

859_Personal conflicts and grudges can minimize once the people can be having knowledge as to have more options in a different situations.

860_Everything here in this world is a matter of our feelings or emotions that is why we must be having knowledge in handling or managing of it.

861_Upon sharing of pleasures can be part of our pleasures but we shall be having awareness because sometimes somebody will be abusing of it.

862_It seems like we are dreaming even if we are not sleeping once we are always believing to whatever will perceives and obtains in our minds.

863_We shall not make tests and trials as part of our alibi or else reason for us can stay-away upon doing something wrong and bad to the others.

864_It is really unusual that our doubts can be turning furious, except if we are doing something negative because we are having doubts of it.

865_Awareness of the teachings by the religious leaders and other faith workers it is because only their selves can be having benefits of it.

866_It cannot be to forget our problem once it is part of our needs since it is only reason that we can be living and surviving here in this world.

867_Overpopulation is part of the reason that there are some of us are fighting with one another wherefore of owning the parcel of lot or land.

868_Once we feel great, it can be better not to let the others in having knowledge of it as of awareness not to receive counter commentary of it.

869_It can make us to feel hard to smile once we can really having right understanding of the life realities especially if we cannot accept it.

870_We cannot gather more right knowledge and information on the particular situation once we will pretend that we are knowledgeable of it.

871_We shall not spend too much of our time and efforts for our special someone, for us will not suffer once they will lost from us in the future.

872_Sometimes it is the others can make us understand of our errors, mistakes or else wrongdoings as of seeing and observing them of doing it.

873_It cannot be to teach children and people to learn and adapt lifestyle of the rich people, because majority us are in poverty situations.

874_If we want to make shortcut, we must ensure that we are expert and familiar of that particular way, for us will not lost while passing of it.

875_It can make us lazy and irresponsible as to have mindset that we are having someone or somebody to rely or depend on for our needs and wants.

876_Never rely or depend too much on the books, such as Bible, Qur'an and more others of it, because the reality is having contradiction of it.

877_Sometimes we will need to sacrifice ourselves if we do not want to engage any troubles, especially if the situation is not controllable.

878_Analyzing well before making decisions to do it is the only process to stay-away of a KARMA and to make sure that we are getting right of it.

879_Everything is having reason and explanation but we will need things and knowledge that will be having right reason and explanation of it.

880_Every one is having capacity and capability to stand alone and to be independent once we are really using our right passions of wanting it.

881_Every one of us is having craziness sometimes, but we shall put it in a proper time and place for us cannot have problem wherefore only of it.

882_It is not libellous and malicious even however negative, bad or disgusting our comments once it is having facts or basis to the truth of it.

883_It is useless of looking somebody as of engaging special relationship without having sexual intercourse since it is the main point of it.

884_Our life is worthless as of getting of marry once we cannot provide the needs of our family which reason that we must having awareness of it.

885_Upon seeing and observing as to be making right analysis in whatever reasons and situations can be part of the process to sharpen our mind.

886_Upon sacrificing of ourselves for something that will not part of our needs is not having any right reasons and explanation as of doing it.

887_It seems like we are not having own hands once we shall let the others in performing and making or doing of our duties and responsibilities.

888_It is better the shabu than of the cigarettes and liquors but it is best once we are controlling ourselves not in taking or using among of it.

889_It will sometimes we are learning not because of our experiences but because there are somebody that who are telling and teaching us of it.

890_We shall be having stands for our rights that will not abusing of the rights of the others since every one of us is always having rights of it.

891_We shall be thinking and giving importance of the life of the others but not to the point that we will be sacrificing of ours upon doing of it.

892_Whoever shall be less in life shall whoever having loads of duties and responsibilities it is because they are having full passions of it.

893_We shall be observance to the others upon doing of what we are doing for us can be having right understanding that we are getting wrong of it.

894_We are too old for us not have knowledge of our feelings or emotions, but too young once we cannot handle and manage ourselves to control it.

895_Once we are having right and good ideas we shall do it for our own instead of discriminating others it is wherefore they are not having of it.

896_Be having satisfaction of being so serious as part of the process in relieving psychological and emotional pains as to have peace of mind.

897_As to have companion cannot be part of the right reason for us to get marry even if we are not having enough knowledge and preparation for it.

898_As of having stand even we are getting wrong can really bother us that will trigger to craziness in the future upon having conscience of it.

899_Whoever shall do petitions of the masturbation and sexual intercourse shall whoever cannot relate and understand the importance of it.

900_It cannot be to accuse the others of a crimes wherefore only of our doubts and anger, because we cannot have facts or basis to the truth of it.

901_Writing and blogging of our pasts and experiences cannot be part of the right teachings until we can have right studies and analysis of it.

902_We shall not teach the children and people regarding of Jesus Christ and other God once we are having belief that there is Supreme Creator.

903_It is really hard to do what is right once it is not usual to us, that is why to stop punishment is a must just to have equality to everyone of us.

904_We shall avoid abusing of the rights of the others, because it is not all the times that we are strong upon facing of the challenge of our life.

905_We shall not let the others in having expectations that we are having capacities and capabilities of helping in solving of their problems.

906_In every error, mistake or else wrongdoing we are getting or committing only innocent child or children and people will be suffering of it.

907_Being corny as of having customer care and service is not advisable and applicable since entertaining them properly will be enough for it.

908_It is not arrogance once we are telling and saying the truth it is because arrogant persons are not having right knowledge of the real truth.

909_Whoever can hear our mind thinking shall obviously the Supreme Creator, but whoever dictates of our mind shall be the voices of the people.

910_We shall not wait that the Supreme Creator will turn back to us every wrong we are doing to the others before we can be learning the right of it.

911_Getting wrong without any right reason is really hard to defend in times of judgment especially if it is abusing of the rights of the others.

912_Once we are in need even if it is left-over it can be enough for it. Likewise, it will not matter even if it is left-over once we are in need of it.

913_We shall not make the signs of respect as the reason for us in getting irritation and anger once the others are not having and doing of it to us.

914_It is really useless of having nice days, place and things once we are having illness or disease that is why we must be having awareness of it.

915_We shall be kind and good even to whoever thinking and doing something bad to us for them to suffer in the future upon having conscience of it.

916_Whoever not having acceptance of whatever commentary upon getting wrong are whoever shall not learn as to be having right knowledge of it.

917_Upon having presence of mind can be part of the process to prevent the existence of crimes that will possibly happening in our surrounding.

918_It is not gift once we are having talent, because it is the fruit of the time we are spending and efforts we are exerting upon practicing of it.

919_The Bible, religions and other faith organizations are not having right principles of teachings, so therefore we are not in need any of it.

920_It is the group of a different scientist is the reason that we are having high technology of gadgets, machines and equipment, and not by God.

921_We shall have shame to ourselves upon having comfortable home and having everything in our life through the time and efforts of the others.

922_Every one of us is having rights and authority to make decisions for ourselves in order not to blame the others once we are getting wrong of it.

923_Upon declining of accepting the facts and the truth of life can be causing us in suffering pains since it can hinder us in having peace of mind.

924_We can be reaching whatever we are wanting once we are having capacities and capabilities in learning, performing and making or doing of it.

925_The movies and dramas that are not fit and suit into the life realities the writers and the directors of it are having childhood mentalities.

926_Sometimes we are asking favor to the others and vice versa but it is not giving sense that we are and they are taking advantage upon doing of it.

927_Sometimes we are making decisions depending upon the situations we are facing but whatever of it the important is we are getting right of it.

928_It is so ridiculous for us in asking blessing from the so called "God" since even the shadow of it is not having appearance in our surrounding.

929_If we are not having right knowledge in teaching of the others, so therefore we are not having any rights in blocking those who are doing of it.

930_It is useless of having open eyes once the mind is still close since it cannot relate and understand of what are happening in our surrounding.

931_We are living and surviving here in this world according of our government system, which through of our leaders and lawmakers and not of God.

932_It is our idiotizm and ignorance once we are thinking negative as to make commentary for sexual intercourse especially if we are doing of it.

933_Upon hating of the mentalities specialist in order to against his articles can be turning of ourselves to become mentally ill in the future.

934_Do not be panic upon experiencing a difficulty of our breathing it is because perspiration can be part of the process to relieve as to heal it.

935_Negative commentary is the usual reaction upon seeing and observing something once we are not knowledgeable especially if we cannot do it.

936_It is not discrimination upon making comments to whoever getting mistakes especially crimes, because it can challenge them to correct it.

937_Sometimes there are something happening in our life that we cannot explain, because we do not have knowledge and right understanding of it.

938_Upon having knowledge to change ourselves is for our own benefits and not for the others, and that is why we must immediately starting for it.

939_There is no genius of the things and situations that are new to us, because everything must be study for us can be having right knowledge of it.

940_Even though they are getting mistakes, but still they are human the same with us that who will need of our right understanding consideration.

941_Everything happen in our life is already part of our memory, but there are part of it that we need to forget for us can move on and recover from it.

942_Doubt is normal to every one of us but there is nothing wrong of it once we are not doing something wrong, bad and negative as of entertaining it.

943_Upon having over-all hygiene is not worth and useless once we are not having sexual intercourse partner that who can provide of our need of it.

944_Whatever dress attire it is really okay as long it is proper than it seems like wearing curtain that bringing borloloy like Christmas decors.

945_Upon believing and following some contexts in the Bible can be dragging of our life down because it is obviously against the Supreme Creator.

946_It is really unusual that our doubts can be turning into furious, except if we are doing something negative because we are having doubts of it.

947_It is really hard to face the life realities once we will refuse to accept it. Likewise, the truth is really painful once we cannot accept of it.

948_We shall be learning, performing and making or doing whatever we can as long it is right and good that is having facts or basis to the truth of it.

949_Sometimes we are making decisions depending upon the situations we are facing, but whatever of it the important is we are getting right of it.

950_However wide our wings as to fly anywhere but dropping back into the ground is having more possibilities once we cannot properly manage of it.

951_We cannot have experience of having our real freedom as to have peace of mind once we are still erroneous or else wrongdoers as well criminals.

952_Whoever is usually downgrading and discriminating of the others, even if without any right reason is whoever ignorance of the truth of life.

953_Upon making and telling jokes are sometimes can be the process to let the others of having knowledge that we are kind and approachable person.

954_Taking off our sight for a while and having proper inhale and exhale can be the process of resetting our mind especially if we are in angry mood.

955_It is the rights of the people to have knowledge what is the real truth that is why you shall not do something just to block my way as of telling it.

956_It is really great mistakes once we are making decisions that according to our personal interest especially if there is money involves of it.

957_There is no question that we are dumb and slow learners as long we are not stealing of the time and efforts as of abusing the rights of the others.

958_It is normal that the religions and other faith organizations will win the crowd sometimes, because mostly of the people are ignorance of it.

959_Every one of us is having plan for our good future although it is not easy but we are still doing everything we can for us will see the reality of it.

960_Every one of us must set time and space for us can hear the inner part of our voice just to have right understanding of our own self or personality.

961_Sometimes we can notice that we are passing plenty of the roads but it is only one road upon ending of it for us can be reaching of our destination.

962_We are prone to illnesses or else diseases once our mind and body are keeping on sleeping wherefore of our laziness to think as to work-out of it.

963_Laughing is not the reaction of the real appreciation. Likewise, it is not real appreciation once we are laughing upon having reactions of it.

964_It is so stupid for us of getting anger wherefore only of the wrong information and negative comments since we are not physically hurting of it.

965_It will not matter even if we are poor and not having pretty face as long we are not idiot that who will usually abusing of the rights of the others.

966_Sometimes people can hardly understand of the right mentalities or else principles and theories which reason that they are neglecting of it.

967_It is our rights not to follow once we can think that the rules of laws are not right and good for the others even however great the lawmakers of it.

968_It is the right education of the child or children and people is the only process for them to learn and not rules of laws of any of the punishments.

969_It cannot be to cry and cry until we will depress once we are having complications of problems, instead of finding right ways or solutions of it.

970_The government leaders especially the lawmakers are also having more lapses and violations for us to void their rules of laws of punishments.

971_It is expecting that our head will become hot once our body is really hot. Likewise, our head is part of the exit portion of the heat from our body.

972_It is better if we are having fear to ourselves than to have it to the others, especially if they are not doing something that can be harmful to us.

973_Upon having lifetime freedom and less expenses are the benefits of not getting of marry, that is why there is no right reason in getting into it.

974_The bitter is better as to help our immune system active that can prevent us from any diseases or else illnesses for us can be having good health.

975_We just ask ourselves if we are intent for the mercy by the Supreme Creator, despite of our errors, mistakes or else wrongdoings as well crimes.

976_If we want to create articles and books, we must ensure that it is not far from reality of our life for the others can really use and applying of it.

977_However in whatever situations even wherever we are it can bother us upon doing wrong especially if we are really having right knowledge of it.

978_Sometimes rules of laws are creates not just for the benefits of the people, but for only of a personal interest by the authors and writers of it.

979_Stop creating any of the punishments to those who are having wrongdoings can be part of our contribution upon wishing to have peaceful nation.

980_We are having different experiences and wants in our life that is why sometimes it is normal that there is conflict of interest with each other.

981_Upon getting wrong without any right reason is really hard to defend in times of judgment especially if it is abusing of the rights of the others.

982_We cannot acquire peace of mind and having good health until we cannot have right analysis of the things and situations that are bothering of us.

983_Faith to God is the reason that the people will suck the ass of the religious leaders and other faith workers if they will be telling in doing of it.

984_It is wrong of making decision that basing only a specific situation it is because plenty of it for us to consider as to be having conclusion of it.

985_The people seems like children that who will need our teachings and guidance once we are leaders for them can be learning as to be following of it.

986_Upon reading some of the articles, columns or books we shall not think of what we are learning instead of thinking what we can be learning from it.

987_We shall not hope of the faith, different rituals and prayers and other superstitious belief it is because nothing good will be happening of it.

988_Countering feelings or emotions through negative comments can be the psychological strategies in handling or managing as of controlling it.

989_We shall not think that life is easy once we are not having knowledge in handling and managing of our feelings or emotions as to have control of it.

990_It is so stupid for us to use the name of the others upon authoring and writing of an articles, columns or else books if we are really the owner of it.

991_The Bible, religions and other faith organizations are not helping finding ways or solutions of our problem, because it can be worsening of it.

992_If we are going to teach others, we will teach what is really right, and it is expecting that they will experience difficulties in learning of it.

993_It is our duties and responsibilities to learn the commandments of the Supreme Creator once our parents and leaders do not have knowledge of it.

994_It is excessive toxin inside our body is part of the reason that we can be having serious illness and that is why we must be having awareness of it.

995_Sometimes we can think and tell to ourselves that it is better for us not to have knowledge of the truth, rather than suffering upon knowing of it. 

996_Every one of us is looking some great opportunities but it is not giving sense that we shall be abusing of the rights of the others upon having of it.

997_Every day is not having difference with the other and another day that no special of it for us will be having occasions as part of celebrating of it.

998_Nothing wrong of making some of the negative comments to whoever doing of it to the others even if without any right reasons and explanation of it.

999_Once it is wrong it is giving sense that it will need correction and consideration and not any of the punishments upon getting or committing of it.

1000_It is not suitable for us in making some corrections of the errors, mistakes or else wrongdoings of the others, once we cannot make it to ourselves.

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